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Wss m2c938 a аналог

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21 января 2020

Below is a complete list of genuine Motorcraft fluids, as well as possible alternatives.

Thanks to (def7 FORD-TRACKS-CLUB) for the invaluable assistance in the selection of material.

“Briefly ATF specifications (without important ESP prefixes WSP, WSA, WSS):
M2C166H — the minimum specification for our automatic transmission and power steering
M2C185A — recommended MERCON for automatic transmission and power steering
M2C195A — Mercon (and later Mercon V) with additional anti-friction additives for power steering
M2C202B — Mercon V (first generation) for automatic transmission and power steering
M2C919-E — Mercon V second generation, Mercon compatible) for automatic transmission and power steering

News from the USA

1) Instead of the XT-2-QDX (and the Canadian CXT2LM12) "Mercon" and the XT-5-QM (and the Canadian CXT5LM12) "Mercon V for Automatic Transmission and Power Steering Fluid" with the specification Mercon V / Dexron III, the XT-5- is issued QMC "Mercon V for Automatic Transmission and Power Steering Fluid Mercon compatible." The Dexron III specification has disappeared, but an unambiguous link has appeared about compatibility with Mercon.

2) In addition to the semi-synthetic Mercon V, sometimes there is a similar semi-synthetic Synthetic blend Mercon V from another OEM. It is recommended for some state sports Ford, now in the Russian Federation is not imported.

3) Although Mercon V can be poured into the power steering, there is also a special liqu >

4) ESP-M2C166H specification fluid is still being produced (it is historically the predecessor of the Mercon specification, specially created for Ford automatic transmissions), but it is NOW recommended only for distributing individual cars, not recommended for automatic transmissions (due to the addition of friction modifiers required in razdatke).

5) Who stubbornly does not want to switch to Mercon V, would recommend this (OEM Motorcraft USA) inexpensive liquid from Kendall with a mineral base (and pour point -40):
http: //www.conocophillipslubricants…0TDS%20Web.pdf
In Moscow there is this ATF, (FORD-TRACKS-CLUB forum users) will always help!
At the same time, the mineral base and the additive package will be as compatible as possible with what splashes in your automatic transmission CD4E and Power Steering, and for VALIDIS it will be the best option. Although when replacing (full or triple partial), it will still be better Mercon V (Mercon compatible) …

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6. In both the USA and Europe, the latest models began to be refueled with new ATFs, for example, Mercon LV (low viscosity, WSS-M2C938-A and XT-10-QLV, 1496116) and Mercon SP (instead of which Mercon LV was later recommended) — I’ll write about them next time. The main thing is that they cannot be used instead of Mercon V because of their lower viscosity!

7. About non-original Mercon V. fluids. The additive package officially licensed to the Mercon V specification is made by ConocoPhillips (and its closest Petro-canada in Canada) and Exxon-Mobile. Very many other manufacturers, without obtaining official Mercon V approval, set only "meets the requirements." So without fear, you can use ATF from Motorcraft (as well as ConocoPhillips in the USA and Petro-Canada in Canada), Mobil and some other manufacturers with official approval (Comma, Pennzoil, Chevron, Shell, Ravenol …)

News from Europe

Also, the specification of Mercon V has changed to Mercon V Mercon compatible, so there should now be no problems with mixing ATF.

1) For automatic transmissions instead of Mercon (3504983, FORD E-AT / PS 1L 5014519, 5L 5014520 according to the specification WSS-M2C-166H) manufactured by Mobil and Mercon V (Ford E-M5 8000045 according to the specification WSS-M2C202B) Mobil now also goes universal FORD DP-5M 1565889-1l and 1565890-5l (WSS-M2C919E).

2) For power steering, the general specification WSS-M2C195A is preserved, but instead of Mercon (4571525 and 1087900) manufactured by Mobil and Mercon V (Ford ER 8000047-also produced by Mobil). Now comes the universal number FORD IW 1590988 (black state cans, I wonder who makes it, most likely this is the aforementioned state XL-14 at the same price).

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3. The green ATF WSS-M2C204-A DP-PS 1384110 (aka Pentosin CHF11S, CHF202) for EGUR (electric hydraulic booster), although it has better low-temperature and anti-wear properties, is not suitable for GUR due to its lower viscosity.

The latest revision of the 2010 ATF specification for the WSA-M2C-195-A Power Steering says that it will no longer be developed and is overlapped by Mercon LV, aka WSS-M2C-938-A ( .s / ford938a.pdf) and WSS-M2C204-A2. In particular, some of the fords are already being filled with green power steering fluid (Pentosin)
Information from…ll-fluids.html:
FORD WSA M2C195 A: 2010
Engineering Material Specification — Fluid, Power Steering
General product information
Status: Superseded
Superseded By:
FORD WSS M2C204 A2: 2003
FORD WSS M2C938 A: 2007
FORD WSA M2C195 A: 2004
FORD ESP M2C138 CJ: 200

1) Antifreeze yellow WSS-M97B51-A1 BASF G05, aka Mazda 0000-77-507E-02 for engines with wet sleeves.

2) Antifreeze purple (or orange in the USA) WSS-M97B44-D G30 / G12 + BASF G30 — only for passenger Eurofords, nitrite is undesirable in Escape ! . The composition is almost identical to each other, as well as identical to Texaco Havoline Extended Life antifreeze, DexCool, Shell ELC, Russian Coolstream. The main feature is that all of them contain mainly 2 types of carboxylate acids (maybe more), but do not contain silicates, phosphates, borates, nitrates, amines and nitrites.

About brake fluids makes them for Ford, with the Ford specification
Ford DOT 4 (M6C9103-A) is superior to DOT4, and Ford’s Super DOT 4 specification (early M6C57-A and latest M6C57-A2) was created and looks decent even at 5.1.

Here are the parameters of several specifications (in brackets: boiling point of dry liquid, moistened liquid, viscosity at -40 degrees).
DOT3 standard: 205, 155, 1500
DOT4 standard: 230, 155, 1800
DOT4 + standard: 250, 155, 1800
DOT4 class 6 standard: 250, 165, 750
Ford Super DOT: 260, 180, 1450 (M6-C57-A), 1200 (M6C57-A2)
DOT 5.1 standard: 260, 185, 850

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I must say right away that the boiling point of a moistened liquid is much more important than the boiling point of a new dry liquid, and a viscosity at -40 degrees is relevant exclusively for frosts below 30 degrees. At the same time, very expensive DOT 5.1 fluids must be changed twice as often due to greater hygroscopicity, and ROSDOT fluid is generally tested only by Gosstandart, but not by world laboratories. So one of the best choices is FORD SUPER DOT 4.

Ford gave compliance on Castrol 5W30 Magnotec engine oil (Our dealers (Avalon) pour it on the service). In razdatku instead of Mercon ATF-Mobile 320, if there is no way to fill in Motorcraft XL-12

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Ford Motorcraft Mercon LV производится на основе синтетического масла по технологии гидрокрекинг с добавлением качественных присадок. Продукт предназначен для трансмиссий автомобилей Ford, Lincoln, Mercury. Имеет спецификации Mercon LV и WSS-M2C 938-A . Подходит для гидравлических систем, совместимых с маслом со степенью вязкости SAE 20W.

  • Улучшает процесс управления АКПП вне зависимости от температуры.
  • Гарантирует термостойкость и защищает от износа элементы.
  • Предотвращает пенообразование и удаляет отложения смолы и лака.
  • Для быстрого диагностирования возможных утечек в масло добавлен красный пигмент.

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